Kyler's headstone finally came in. It was one of those things I never thought about. Headstones don't just appear. Of course it takes a while to have a headstone made. After all they are all "custom." We thought it would be in before Christmas. They had told us it would take 6-8 weeks for them to get it in. Christmas came and went and we just kept waiting and waiting. Finally Clay called them this week and they said that it had come in this week and they had already set it. We're pretty angry that they didn't call us like they were supposed to when it came in, but I guess that doesn't really matter. What matters is he finally has a headstone. He was in an unmarked grave for nearly 12 weeks which bothered me immensely. It was like he didn't exist. There was just a bare square of dirt where we buried him. He didn't even have a temporary marker. Looking back, I'm sure we could have gotten a temporary marker for him, if we'd asked, but that wasn't the kind of thing either of us thought about asking for. We are not impressed with the cemetery staff but now we are pretty much done with them. They do a good job with maintenance and that is all we really need from them now. Again, what matters is the headstone is there now, it is beautiful and perfect. He did exist even if briefly. Here's the headstone we picked out for him.
it's beautiful!